After high school I went to work in a steel mill in my hometown, Youngstown, Ohio. During that time, I started to read positive thinking books to help with my low self-esteem. I read a number of them and began to use some of the methods and ideas that they expressed. There were a number of good life lessons in those books which were important to learn. They did begin to help me, and gave me confidence that I did not previously have. I will always be grateful for what they taught me and how they influenced my life.
However, over the years scripture began to take on a more important role in my life and journey. These books could only help me so much, and more direction and support were needed from a learning standpoint. The wisdom and insight gained about the spiritual and physical pilgrimage from the study of the Bible far exceeded what was gained from reading positive thinking books. That is how it was for me.
I would encourage you to daily seek God’s word in order to gain insight and wisdom on this spiritual walk and life journey. Scripture is meant to encourage us and give us hope about the future and the promises of our Lord God! Peace, Vernon T.
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