Think for a moment about events in your life when you have been given something that you did not expect, or been given time to complete a project or assignment that you did not think you would be granted. These examples and many more that you could think of, are all forms of grace in one way of the other. Grace is about getting something unexpected or undeserved.
In my own life I have been shown grace countless times for various reasons, and hopefully I was aware of this and able to acknowledge how fortunate I was then. I remember when I was going to college part time and working full time that I was shown my share of grace. A couple times I thought I was able to take more courses than I should have taken and had a very hard time keeping up with all of the course work.
At the same time my grade point average was lower than it should have been, and I was subject to being put on probation. At one point one of my professors (Mrs. Edna McDonald) showed me tremendous grace by working with me to keep my grade point average high enough to continue in school. However, I did not learn my lesson then and later on was put on probation. Over time I realized that I had to slow down and deal with what I could handle. I did get off of probation and completed my course work to earn my degree. But a lot of people helped me and grace was shown me in many different ways.
Please be encouraged that the grace that was described in this passage is still very much available to us today, when we come before God with a sincere and contrite heart. May you like the Apostle Paul be able to state that the grace from our Lord was not given in vain! Peace, Vernon T.
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