In 2000, after spending nearly twenty-eight years in the insurance industry, I left that field to start Trinity Lutheran Seminary full time. I was guided to go while not fully knowing why. Initially that experience was a shock to my spiritual and mental makeup.
Over my life I had always attended worship services wherever we lived. I took part in countless Bible studies, Sunday school activities as a teacher and a student, in small group activities, and of course did my own private study as part of my spiritual pilgrimage. However, that period at Trinity traumatized my system in many ways and especially as far as my knowledge of the Bible went. Even though I felt comfortable with my knowledge of certain things before going to the Trinity, my view of some aspects of scripture was forever changed.
That first year at Trinity, and especially that first quarter was one of the more trying times that I have ever had in my life. Beside the workload and the writing of paper after paper, it really caused me a lot of pain and discomfort for what I was learning changed a part some of the long-held beliefs that I had about the Bible, its stories, and the background about some of its history. That became a very stressful time for me for many things, which I once held very sacredly, were drastically altered.
As you take part in your spiritual practices realize that you can be taught different aspects about your journey, and be open to learning that on this walk, there will always be something new to learn, or a fresh way to see a long-held view. Please be aware that this may indeed change you and could even cause you some discomfort. However, embrace what God may be doing in your life! Peace, Vernon T.
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