In our modern society some of us may think that people who cry may be thought of as weak for some reason. Some people can cry for most any reason, and others find it hard to do so. I know that for most of my adult life I generally did not cry except for major things, like the loss of a loved one. That all changed for me after I went through my late wife’s battles with cancer and her time being under Hospice care.
Judy had two operations to remove brain tumors, but after a while the tumor came back, and there was not anything else we could do, so we went under Hospice care. We cared for her at home until she passed away. That entire experience caused more changes in my emotional and mental state then I care to think about and therefore I cry a lot more often now than before that period. It does not have to be anything sad, if it hits me the right way I tear up. I feel things more deeply than before and this causes me to become more emotionally than I used to be. Whenever I feel anguished about something that is happening to someone in my family, a close friend, or it may be even something going on in another part of the world, I can easily tear up.
That is whom I am now. However, this passage gives anyone who trusts in the promises of the Lord God, hope, that all of our tears will be wiped away. That we do not have to remain in our current state or condition. On your spiritual pilgrimage may you feel that hope coming from God that the future is in the Lord’s hands and not in our hands or the hands of any other human! Peace, Vernon T.
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