Jesus' Example
Jesus commissioned the eleven, in Matthew 28, to go and make disciples of all nations. The word disciple is used quite frequently in the New Testament and refers to those who learn from and obey Jesus. In word and deed Jesus’ life demonstrated what was required of those who wanted to imitate him. Jesus informs his closest followers in Matthew 6: 33 about the importance of striving first for God’s kingdom before anything else. Jesus outlines in Matthew 6: 5–14 how and for what to pray. Additionally, while Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane he went alone to pray as he often did and told those with him that they also needed to pray, Matthew 26: 36–45. There are, of course, many more examples from Jesus’ life that serve as models for us.
Jesus’ teachings and actions clearly show what we should be doing to become lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. Practices such as going away to a quiet place to reflect, praying, striving first for God’s kingdom, and learning what the scriptures tell us about following Jesus seem to be straight forward. However, it isn’t that simple for many of us who want to become more intentional in our desire to grow spiritually. From my experience working as a Spiritual Consultant and a Director of Small Group Ministry I quickly sensed the intense hunger of members of Christian communities to learn more about spiritual practices. Those participants were seeking to learn more about their own faith journey, the basic steps to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, and some of the tools needed for that process.
Most of those people regularly attended worship services and were involved in various aspects of their faith community. However, they wanted to go deeper spiritually and therefore enthusiastically signed up for the classes that were offered. Some participants had a few ideas about what to do but they benefited from the discipleship concepts that I presented. A fair number from those classes formed small groups to aid in their continued pilgrimage. My role allowed me the privilege of walking with those seeking a fuller spiritual life.
Establishing disciplined practices in our highly–scheduled, fast–paced society can often seem overwhelming to many today, let alone faithfully maintaining such rituals. My books and presentations will offer tools to enhance or to assist in starting this endeavor. Hopefully, regardless of your background, knowledge, or experience you’ll find something of value in what I present.
It is my prayer that God’s love and grace will fill your life through the Holy Spirit as you engage in your faith journey. May your spiritual pilgrimage strengthen your relationship with Jesus as you witness to and love those with whom your path intersects.
Copyright © 2025 Vernon T. Jones
Jesus commissioned the eleven, in Matthew 28, to go and make disciples of all nations. The word disciple is used quite frequently in the New Testament and refers to those who learn from and obey Jesus. In word and deed Jesus’ life demonstrated what was required of those who wanted to imitate him. Jesus informs his closest followers in Matthew 6: 33 about the importance of striving first for God’s kingdom before anything else. Jesus outlines in Matthew 6: 5–14 how and for what to pray. Additionally, while Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane he went alone to pray as he often did and told those with him that they also needed to pray, Matthew 26: 36–45. There are, of course, many more examples from Jesus’ life that serve as models for us.
Jesus’ teachings and actions clearly show what we should be doing to become lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. Practices such as going away to a quiet place to reflect, praying, striving first for God’s kingdom, and learning what the scriptures tell us about following Jesus seem to be straight forward. However, it isn’t that simple for many of us who want to become more intentional in our desire to grow spiritually. From my experience working as a Spiritual Consultant and a Director of Small Group Ministry I quickly sensed the intense hunger of members of Christian communities to learn more about spiritual practices. Those participants were seeking to learn more about their own faith journey, the basic steps to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, and some of the tools needed for that process.
Most of those people regularly attended worship services and were involved in various aspects of their faith community. However, they wanted to go deeper spiritually and therefore enthusiastically signed up for the classes that were offered. Some participants had a few ideas about what to do but they benefited from the discipleship concepts that I presented. A fair number from those classes formed small groups to aid in their continued pilgrimage. My role allowed me the privilege of walking with those seeking a fuller spiritual life.
Establishing disciplined practices in our highly–scheduled, fast–paced society can often seem overwhelming to many today, let alone faithfully maintaining such rituals. My books and presentations will offer tools to enhance or to assist in starting this endeavor. Hopefully, regardless of your background, knowledge, or experience you’ll find something of value in what I present.
It is my prayer that God’s love and grace will fill your life through the Holy Spirit as you engage in your faith journey. May your spiritual pilgrimage strengthen your relationship with Jesus as you witness to and love those with whom your path intersects.
Copyright © 2025 Vernon T. Jones