One of the most difficult decisions that I and my family had to make was when we decided to put my late wife, Judy, under Hospice care. She had two operations to remove tumors from her brain, and already had radiation and couldn’t have any more. Chemotherapy would only slow this new tumor down and would have side effects. We also had endured several years of hospitals, nursing homes, treatments, doctor appointments, and having to do more care for Judy.
The decision we make was both easy and hard. We loved her and didn’t want to see her suffer any more then she needed to. On the other hand by going under Hospice care we were saying that we wouldn’t try anything else to prolong her life. Our thought was to just keep her comfortable. We weren’t afraid of making the choice that we made, but it was still gut-wrenching. When you take part in your spiritual pilgrimage, may you be secure in the Lord when life challenges come your way! Vernon T.
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