You might say that I was born into a worshiping community. I started going to Jerusalem Baptist Church before I could walk, and was a member there until I moved away from Youngstown, Ohio and started in my insurance career. When I was younger, if my brothers and I didn’t go to church on Sunday, my Mother wouldn’t let us go to the movies on Sunday afternoon. This was a big deal for us back then, thus, we went to worship.
I grew up always going to worship and have carried that habit throughout my life. Over the years my family and I have been in a number of congregations, faith traditions in different areas of the country, as we have moved around from job to job, or call to call. I might miss one Sunday every once in a while, but never for longer than two weeks.
With all that being said, this new normal of not being able to gather in person to worship with our faith communities is hard to take; for many of us. This is just one of many things that we have had to do differently because of this COVID-19 Crisis. This Virus has impacted the entire world in some form or the other. Shirley and I are blessed that the church we belong to now, Lutheran Church of Hope in Broomfield, CO, is able to Live-Stream an abbreviated Sunday worship service, which works for the time that we are in.
A number of pastors and people have stated, the church building may be closed, but the ministry continues. Many faith communities have found very creative ways in spreading the Gospel message, doing ministry and outreach; while at the same time, trying to continue to build community; given the obstacles that have to be overcome.
We know that we don’t need a building to worship God in, for that can be done anywhere or anytime; even if having a church building is what we are comfortable with in this regard. There are many scriptures that reference the point that God wants to dwell with us, to make a home with us.
Please be encouraged by this insight, that even if we can’t physically be together in worship in a building; that the good Lord still wants to dwell with us, to make a home with us, and to walk with us. In this uncertain time, may you feel the Lord’s presence within you, and around you; no matter what may be going on with you and in the world. Blessings to you during this very trying time. Be safe and well! Vernon T.
Copyright © 2020 Vernon T. Jones, All Rights Reserved