Over the years I have tried to memorize a Bible verse a week, and this verse is one that continues to be a favorite of mine. When I was younger, I struggled quite a bit with low self-esteem and memorizing Bible verses in general and this one in particular helped in that regard. Currently when I have moments of doubt, verses like this one continue to provide hope for me.
This letter from 2 Timothy is one of thanksgiving and also one of encouragement for its audience. There is much wisdom along with support for those who are on this spiritual pilgrimage. It lets us know that God did not give us a fearful spirit, but instead a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.
Having a spirit of power allows us to have faith that when we are striving for God’s kingdom that the energy and strength will be there sufficient for what we are called to do. Additionally the spirit of love will always be with us, no matter if on the mountain top or in the lowest valley periods in our life. God is love and can’t help but love us. The spirit of self-discipline can be viewed from a number of different angles. However, it seems important to realize that without some form of self-discipline as it pertains to this spiritual walk, we aren’t able to take part in the spiritual practices which help us to become the person that God wants us to be.
On your journey may you be able to become increasing more aware that God wants you to have this spirit of power, love, and self-discipline! May verses like this one help when you encounter life’s doubts and fears.
Holy Spirit, daily please allow me to be open to receiving your spirit in my life, and may I share that spirit with those I meet today! Amen. Vernon T.
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