It will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the first three Wednesdays in May, the 7, 14, and 21. Please join us in the Multi-Purpose Room and feel free to bring your favorite Bible.
For my local friends, St Paul’s Outreach Committee is sponsoring a book discussion on Discipleship–a Lifelong Spiritual Pilgrimage and I will be the discussion leader.
It will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the first three Wednesdays in May, the 7, 14, and 21. Please join us in the Multi-Purpose Room and feel free to bring your favorite Bible.
“The Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame; he who vindicates me is near.” Isaiah 50: 7-8a For many years I read a number of positive-thinking books, to help me cope with my low-self esteem. One thing I learned from them was to try and not let things in the evening, effect my sleeping patterns. I have always had challenges turning my mind off at night, and if some things happened later in the day I tend to rehash them. I know some people that can fall soundly asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow; I have never been able to do that. Because of this, I don’t like watching the late news or to hear things that I don’t have enough time to process before going to bed. I do keep up with what is going on in the world; however, the information generally is taken in when I have enough time to absorb it. Thus I started saying positive type mantras when I first get in bed to help me go to sleep. Over the years I have replaced the positive mantras with more spiritual-related ones, additionally I have repeated scripture during this time. This passage from Isaiah is one that I have used to help me relax and hopefully fall asleep. I pray that you don’t have any sleeping issues, but if you do, I would encourage you to use spiritual prayers, or scriptures like this one to try to help in this. Remember, memorizing Bible verses can be an important aspect of your spiritual pilgrimage! Vernon T. Prayer: Lord God, please help me today to believe that you can indeed help me, and I don’t have to be worried, for your presence is always near me! “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24 One of the more challenging lessons in my life that I have had to learn over and over is to not think too much about what is coming down the road. On this spiritual pilgrimage, most often we are only given enough light for the current step, and the steps that come after the existing moment may still be out there in the clouds and fog somewhere. However, our trust is in the Lord God who will be with us in those steps when they are taken. Many spiritual writers have noted that for our spiritual pilgrimage, it is taking it one day/step at a time scenario. This verse from the Psalms encourages us to rejoice in today, to enjoy what God has made for us today. It reminds us to bask today in all of the beauty and wonder that is around us in God’s creation and in other humans. This of course can be very challenging in our very fast-paced society, which seems to always be looking forward to what is coming next. However, I would strongly encourage you to rejoice in this day, and savor the moment that you have right now. It is okay to plan when you need to, but please don’t forget, that the present moment is all that is guaranteed! Vernon T. Prayer: Lord of all creation, please help me to rejoice in this moment, in this day that you have made, and help me to realize that I can’t enjoy the next moment until I get there! “. . . to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace . . . For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” Romans 8: 6b, 14 The book of Romans is a powerful letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome. This chapter has a number of passages that are frequently quoted for many different reasons. These passages have as their basis the life lived in the Spirit. Paul wants his readers to set their mind on the things of the Spirit which provides life and peace, versus having their mind be on things of the flesh which lead to death. For those on this spiritual pilgrimage it is so important to keep our minds and hearts on the things of the Spirit, on the love of God for the world, on the life that Jesus lived for us, and on the things that allow each of us to become the persons that God wants us to be. Read all of Romans 8 and reflect on the many words of wisdom that are there. May these words and lessons support and enrich your spiritual practices! Vernon T. Prayer: Lord of the Spirit, give me the courage and strength to set my mind of the things of your Spirit, and allow that Spirit to comfort and guide me and give me your peace! “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications! . . . I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope: . . .” Psalm 130: 1-2, 5
This Psalm is about the writer crying out to the Lord, and asking the Lord to hear the prayer and be attentive to it. The writer waits with hope that the prayer will be hear. There are countless books written on prayer and all that prayer entails. Many writers have noted that God does indeed hear all of our prayers, however, one can ask if God hears our prayers why aren’t they answered. God is love and can’t help but love us, and walk with us throughout our life. However, that doesn’t mean that all of our prayers will be answered in the manner and method that we have prayed for. The most important part about prayer is that it strengthens our relationship with our Lord God, and helps us to become the persons God wants us to be – everything else is secondary. I remember after my late wife’s second operation to remove a brain tumor she couldn’t talk, walk, or move her right side. I prayed and prayed that I could get the former Judy back. That prayer wasn’t answered the way I wanted. However, after she went under Hospice care, I prayed that she would go without any pain, and I think she did. From what I have read about prayer and from my own experiences, the Lord God does want us to cry out at any time and as often as we can. No matter if we think our prayers are answered or not, God’s love, grace, and mercy are still with us! Vernon T. Prayer: Today, may my prayers go up to the Lord, and may my soul and heart wait in hope for whatever comes from them! “A new heart I [the Lord God] will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you, . . .” Ezekiel 36: 26-27a In this Old Testament book, we have the priest and prophet, Ezekiel, outlining what the Lord God directed him to tell the Israelite nation. Their hearts that were like stone would be turned into hearts of flesh. In Ezekiel 37 we have the story of the “Valley of Dry Bones” and how God puts a new life into something that was dry and dead. This is an excellent story for those who want to engage in spiritual practices, for it gives us all hope about what can come from it, a new heart and new spirit. However, some of us may feel like obtaining a new heart and spirit is an extremely difficult thing to do, depending what is going on in your lives. One such time for me was when my late wife, Judy, died in late January 1999. After her funeral and all of the related activity calmed down I can remember how depressed, lonely, and sad I was. Up until her death, I had been busy caring for her at home, and then life suddenly slowed down. During that time of the year the days were short and having to be alone during those winter evenings was especially challenging for me. There were many stressful moments for me then. It took a long time, but spring did come, and by July my energy level did begin to improve. My heart and spirit were renewed over time. Think about reflecting on these chapters from Ezekiel as an example of how we can also be reborn. Being on our spiritual pilgrimage isn’t always a bed of roses, but we can be daily given a new heart and spirit when we are open to God’s love, grace, and mercy. Blessings on your spiritual travels! Vernon T. Prayer: Lord God, please guide me to be open to receiving a new heart and new spirit which can then be shared with those I will be meet today! “For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light--for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord.” Ephesians 5: 8-10 The writer of Ephesians is trying to get the audience to live in a different way then they once did. As children of the Lord they are to leave the former dark ways that they once lived to become children of the light. In that manner their lives show traits that are good, right, and true. This apparently is done in conjunction with finding out what is pleasing to the Lord. From the writings of desert mothers and fathers, both of ancient and contemporary times, taking part in spiritual practices would be one way to learn how to live as children of the light, versus walking in the darkness and to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. This is daily challenge for all of us, because of the many barriers that come our way in our fast-paced and modern society. May your spiritual pilgrimage give you the courage and wisdom to live as a child of the light while at the same time finding out what is pleasing to the Lord! Vernon T. Prayer: Lord of light, guide me to be a child of the light while at the same time surrounding me with your steadfast and overflowing love! “He [the Lord] makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23: 2-3 This is one of the most loved and quoted Psalms, used for many different occasions. Take time to read the entire Psalm and reflect on it. It can help us through many stages of our earthly journey. The image of God being our shepherd could help us to realize how God loves and cares for us and that the Lord is interested in every detail of our lives, just as the shepherd looks out for their sheep, God looks out for us. If we want to be restored and led into right paths, we have to do our part, to be in a position to listen to God’s voice and hear the instructions that are given. On this spiritual pilgrimage we can position ourselves to be restored by God when we engage in spiritual practices, in that manner we can condition our hearts and souls to be made into the persons that God wants us to be. While on your spiritual journey, may you be restored in your heart and soul! Vernon T. Prayer: Good Shepherd, help me to be open to your voice and guidance so that I may be restored in heart and soul! |
January 2025
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