I am a fairly big sports fan and have also read my fair share of sport stories and biographies. One of the common themes that has appeared is that the very best in any field, devotes a great amount of time in developing their abilities. A person cannot rely solely on their natural gifts, a great amount of hard work, practice, and mental preparation are also required. They have to meditate on their skills on a constant and consistent basis.
Likewise, if a person who proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord of their life, and then wanted to develop a closer loving relationship with Jesus, it seems that they would also need to devote time in studying the Bible and in prayer and refection in order to develop this relationship. This verse mentions meditating day and night, which could be interpreted as this practice becoming part of the very fiber of one’s life. For those on this spiritual journey may you find the time, every day, to meditate, read, pray and reflect! Peace, Vernon T.
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