The story of Noah and the great flood is one that we probably all learned while we were young, and is one that peoples from all walks of life know well. We remember about God talking to Noah, about God’s displeasure with the human race, the directions about making the ark, the flood coming, and what happened afterwards. Sometimes we miss the fact that Noah was righteousness, walked with God, and did what God commanded him to do.
God chose Noah and his family to be the ones who would start the earth’s recreation after the flood because of how he lived his life, and because of the kind of person he was. Beside these verses the scriptures don’t give us a lot of details about Noah, other then that "Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord," (verse 8).
We, however, can learn from what is noted about Noah and we can apply it to our spiritual pilgrimage. Being a righteous person, walking with God, and doing what God commands us to do, can come out of our spiritual practices of prayer, Bible study, and reflection. When we take part in these practices, we open ourselves up to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This Spirit has been sent to direct, to comfort, to help us along our travels, and to show us how to walk with God as Noah did. May you be open to the Spirit’s direction in your life, so that through the highs and lows of this earthy journey, you can still feel God’s presence in your life, no matter what you may be dealing with at the moment!
Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help me to open to walking with God and following the direction given, so that I may be an example to others that I meet today, of God’s desire to walk with us! Amen. Vernon T.
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