Think about the middle part of this verse for a moment, the Lord searches every mind, that means all of us, no one is beyond God’s reach. The Lord additionally understands every plan and thought, so no matter what we may think about doing, or what we may think of others, or how we rationalize our past or future actions, that’s right---God is aware of them.
If your mind is like mine, sometimes it goes quickly from one topic to the other and back again, covering everything from world events, things going on around me, family situations, work stuff, or what will I eat or wear today. Sometimes I tend to judge people in my mind by how they look, what they wear, or how they are behaving. I know that I shouldn’t be doing this, for I wouldn’t want someone else to do the same thing toward me. The funny part about this is the other person may not know what I am thinking, but God knows.
Since all of us are fallible humans with many faults and worts, I realize that it is very challenging to constantly control our thoughts and thinking, however thinking about this verse may cause us to pause for a minute if and when our mind goes where it shouldn’t be going. Being on this spiritual pilgrimage doesn’t take us to a perfect place where we never do or think anything that we would later regret. However, taking part in spiritual practices may give us some tools and habits that could help us on our journey.
Regular prayer can get us in the habit of praying at all times, even when our minds want to take us places we would rather not go. Asking the Holy Spirit for guidance on a daily basis doesn’t keep us from making mistakes, however knowing that we are comforted and supported helps us get through whatever we are facing. When we study the Bible, we read and learn about how Jesus lived as a human, and what God expects of us on this earthly walk. Reflecting on our pilgrimage and reading about how the desert mothers and fathers lived can also help us deal with our day to day events.
Hopefully, when we realize that God knows our minds, and what our plans and thoughts are, this fact can and should influence what we allow to be the dominant thinking that daily guides us!
Prayer, Lord of all knowing, may your Holy Spirit guide my thoughts and actions, so that I can become the person that you want me to be today! Amen. Vernon T.
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