The Apostle Paul would have been great in whatever field he would have chosen to take part in. In today’s world among the things he may have been good at would have been a sports coach. He seems to have had the ability to describe how different units work best together. Part of a good coach’s role is getting everyone to buy into the concept that all team members have to put aside their egos and do things for the greater good of the team. That everyone’s function was vital, as long as it contributed to the overall goal of the team. This is some times challenging because most of us would rather be the one up front getting all of the praise and glory. However, under a true team concept, what’s good for the team comes first, and everyone’s individual need and glory come second.
In this passage Paul is noting how the body of Christ is to function. That the body has many members, however they come together to form one body in Christ. Like the parts of the human body, Christ’s body has many different parts that do a variety of things and have separate roles to fulfill. Thus, it doesn’t matter if male or female, young or old, rich or poor, where we were born, or who our ancestors are, we have something that we are called to do for Christ’s body, his community.
This function or role can change over time, depending on where you are at in your spiritual pilgrimage. The main thing is that it contributes to bringing the kingdom of God into this present time, while at the same time helping you to become a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ. May you be open to where the Holy Spirit may be leading you in this regard. Please be willing to accept your part with a humble heart not looking for praise for what you do, just knowing that you are doing what you have been called to do on this journey. Any glory belongs to the Lord!
Prayer, Lord of all creation, may your Holy Spirit guide, comfort, and support me in what I have been called to do for Christ’s body in this present time and in the process help me to become the person that God wants me to be! Amen. Vernon T.
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