Additionally, the wind can’t be seen, but can be very much felt. Also flowers and leaves before they come out, are tough to see before-hand, that doesn’t mean that these acts of nature aren’t there, we just can’t see them before they bloom. We believe that in the Spring time around the Easter season that we will once again see new growth, and the beauty of God’s creation as it breaks wide open, with all of its color. I have been blessed to live in a number of great places, and each area has its own beauty, and I have always loved being able to witness the new growth that comes out every Spring. However, sometimes patience is needed, because Mother Nature moves in her own good time---but it does come.
Also, events like the COVID-19 Virus, can’t be seem directly, but it is still there. The impact of this invisible and mysterious Virus, has shut down the entire world at some point over the past few months. Many have died, numerous are still in treatment; and countless others are trying to tend to the sick, attempting to contain it, and making huge efforts to keep our world moving forward as best as we can. Yes, one can’t see this Virus, but we know it does exist.
Even with the condition that we are all in, we can still see signs; of love, grace, compassion, and friendship being demonstrated all over the world. We can’t see the end of this situation at the moment, just as we can’t see a lot of the characteristics of this spiritual/physical journey. We can only take this Pandemic Crisis one day a time. However, I pray that you can still feel the unending love that our Lord God has for all of creation. May that love give you enough hope to make it one more day. Blessings on your journey, and continue to be safe, well, and sane as you can be! Happy Spring! Vernon T.
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