At this event a woman whom I didn’t know, and who was only in Alpena for a few weeks, stopped by and looked at the Devotional Book. She randomly opened the book to Sept. 4, and said that entry spoke to her where she was in her life at the moment. We shared a bit about our life journeys, she purchased a book, and thanked me for being there with my books.
Additionally a mother with her 9-10 year old son stopped by. She apparently used to live in the area, now lived out of state, but was in town visiting family. Apparently the young boy had begun to write small books about topics he was interested in. The mother held up one of my books and told him that if he continued that one day he might have something published like I had been able to do. I encouraged him and said that I had wished that I had started writing at a young age as he was trying to do. The mother was happy that I was there also.
We never know what will happen when we are on this journey, following where we think God is leading us. Vernon T.