Christmas Eve will be with us before you know it, yes, the Advent season is also over. Additionally, all those last-minute Christmas chores are trying to be hastily done. However, for a moment let us think about how important Joseph’s act was to what we are celebrating. Please take a moment to read the scriptures around this one. Joseph had planned to quietly dismiss Mary as was his right in that society. However, he changed his mind and went against everything he had always believed in, and against the customs that were in place back then. In doing so, he was able to be with Mary in what she was asked to do, and he became the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
While we are in these very challenging times, we have all had to make changes of some type, most of which we did not want to. However, we did change! Additionally, on this Advent journey and on our own spiritual pilgrimage while taking part in prayer, we should also be open to being changed as Joseph was. Just as the angel of God appeared to Joseph and he changed what he had planned to do.
God through the Holy Spirit may speak to us through prayer, some scripture, some spiritual book, or any number of ways. This message may cause us to change and move in a new spiritual direction. Being on this path may take us to places that we never dreamed of before. May we all be open to be changed on your Advent/spiritual journey! Peace, Vernon T.
Copyright © 2022 Vernon T. Jones, All Rights Reserved
Picture is of Mary, Joseph, and baby, Jesus; Smithsonian American Art Museum, Bequest of George Campbell Cooper through Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 1635, Public Domain