The Washington National Cathedral, and other D.C. churches and churches around the country have highlighted this verse over the past few Sundays as we run up to the November 2022 elections. Because the Cathedral is in Washington D.C., they are very aware of the divide that often comes during any election time, but especially in the stressful times that we are currently in as a nation.
In these weeks' sermons and worship, they are especially asking that as we approach this election that we attempt to do so through the lens of Micah 6: 8. They are asking us that this lens be one of doing justice, loving kindness, and to walk humbling with our God. By doing this we may have a focus less on what we may think is best for the nation, and more of a focus on God’s desire maybe for us and our companions on this earthly journey.
May God’s Spirit help you to walk in this time and in all of your life journey, doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbling with your God! Peace, Vernon T.
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