This post was initially meant to simply wish everyone a Happy New Year. However, the devastating fires in the Boulder and metro-Denver area on December 30th have caused Shirley and me to pause and think of the many hundreds who have experienced incredible suffering. We live in Adams County just north of metro-Denver. Less than 48 hours ago Boulder County, just north of us, suffered dangerous fires driven by extremely strong winds. Over 30,000 people had to suddenly leave their homes and over 600 homes and many businesses have been totally destroyed. We are safe and not directly impacted by the fires and our family members are okay as well. However, we had some very nervous moments as we watched and waited to see if the wind and fires would cause us to evacuate as so many others had. Not a good day for so many.
Additionally, the Denver metro area had a mass shooting a few days earlier; this is in addition to the ongoing major challenges with the Covid-19 pandemic, airline travel cancellations and delays, you name it! Our hearts go out to all of those who are dealing with so much heartache and whose lives have been impacted for months and years to come. For many around us, this will not be a happy New Year!
As the rest of us look forward to things, hopefully, getting better or at least moving in a more positive direction; may we all strive to share God’s love with all around us, no matter what is going on. Please keep in your prayers all who are struggling and hurting at the beginning of this New Year.
Blessings and Peace, Vernon T. & Shirley