This letter from Paul gives us a view of his initial missionary activity and it gives encouragement about how believers should live at that time. He wanted them to know that their entire being would be kept sound because Jesus was faithful about his promises to return. We all may have times in our lives when we did not have the faith to trust in the promises of God, or in our present situations, or in the people that are around us.
Having the faith to trust is something that I, personally, have had challenges with at various times in my life. Once, one of the insurance companies I worked for took all of their management staff to an outward-bound experience with a company called Pecos River Learning Centers. Pecos River worked with organizations to help train their employees to faithfully function together while doing various tasks.
I was worried about it before I went, and even tried to talk my boss out of making me go, which did not work. Those few days took me way out of my comfort zone. One of the activities was to climb up this tall pole, which was at least twenty feet up, and to jump off the pole to hit a bell some distance away, with nothing underneath you. You had to do this by trusting that your teammates would hold you up securely with ropes.
I am deathly afraid of heights and told my team mates this the day before we were scheduled to do it. I let them know that I did not want to do it. However, because we had some other team building events prior to that----I came to trust in my teammates. I was able to climb the pole and jumped off it in faith. Someone took a picture of me jumping off, and I still have the picture on my desk. It was a wonderful experience for me, and one I will always remember and one I am very grateful for.
On your spiritual pilgrimage please be faithful and trust, and thus believe that God will also keep you safe and sound, when you are asked to take a risk! Peace, Vernon T.
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