However, I grew up in an American Baptist Church in Youngstown, Ohio, and for us Holy Week did not have a lot of extra services. But Easter morning was a huge deal for us. Jerusalem Baptist Church was made of persons of Color, who had mainly come from the Southern States to find work up North. They were mostly blue-collar working people, who loved getting dressed up for Sunday worship. However, on Easter morning, they took getting dressed up to another level. Most everyone, got something new and lovely for the worship service. The hats, dresses, and suits were so colorful, and often people tried to outdo each other. Looking back many years later, I wonder, if the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, took a back seat to the clothes worn on that day. I am sure we were not the only church to do this.
No matter what how your faith community celebrates Easter, I would encourage all of you, to try and realize that the resurrection of Jesus and the new birth that event brings into our lives---happens daily, when we are open to it. The love that our Lord God has for all of us as shown in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is still there, regardless of how we worship on Palm Sunday, during Holy Week, Easter or throughout the year.
Acknowledging that this is still a very stressful time for the entire world, please find time to reflect about the wonderful gift given to humanity by our loving Lord. Try to look for areas of love and hope around you so that Easter can come to you, in more moments/days than just March 31, 2024. May God’s love and grace, bless you and your families/loved ones at this time. Peace, Vernon T.
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