In Hebrews chapter 11 we heard about all of the people who acted by faith, and Hebrews chapter12 reminds us that these people are great witnesses for us. That we should try and follow their example, and leave behind those things in our lives that are barriers to becoming the persons that God wants us to be. This laying aside or leaving behind isn’t a one-time event, but an hourly/daily one. During the trying times that we are in, with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Racial Injustice Pandemic, our Climatic Issues, and our political divides; we as a nation and as individuals, are being asked to rethink how we will live in the future. We will, in fact, have to lay aside some of our past habits.
This laying aside, could be physical, emotional, or mental aspects of your life. When I was in the corporate world, I changed jobs every now and then, as I looked forward to a better position for my family and I. Sometimes that new position required me to physically move my family to a new location. Of course, there were always good and less then good aspects to making this happen. We got to see different parts of the country, but also had to leave homes we liked, and friends we had made along the way. However, in order to take the new position, choices had to be made in order to make that happen. We had to lay aside our old way of living in order to be able to embrace the new future.
You may not be led by the Holy Spirit to physically move while taking part in your spiritual journey. However, it seems certain, that in some way or fashion, you will be asked to change, either emotionally or mentally. It has been often noted, that if you don’t want to change don’t pray to God. For by taking part in the routines of prayer, Bible study, and reflection, that at some point, you will be given the direction to lay aside something of your prior life.
On your pilgrimage may your spiritual practices give you the hope, discernment, and courage you need to run your race and lay aside those past things in your life, while keeping your focus on where God wants to direct you. Peace! Vernon T.
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