Shirley led a Celtic-themed Lenten Quiet Day on Saturday. The event included an overview of Celtic spirituality, quiet contemplation, and some creative time involving Celtic knots and crosses, and mandalas---circle patterns deeply rooted in Celtic spirituality. She shared information from her own spiritual journey, and from a Celtic spiritual pilgrimage she took part in last year when she and her daughter, Amy, went to Scotland. The day concluded with a Communion service using parts of the liturgy from The Iona Abbey Worship Book which she purchased while on the spiritual pilgrimage last summer.
After worship on Sunday, I co-led a session on Faith & Spirituality. From my own faith journey and from my ministry work, I offered suggestions to encourage people on their faith journey and spiritual pilgrimage. The importance of prayer, Bible study and reflection were highlighted. Additionally, Jesus in his daily walk left us many examples on how to have a closer relationship with God, (note especially Matthew chapter six) and a number of these aspects were covered in this session.
Blessings on your Lenten journey and may you take time to have quiet meditation during this period. Peace, Vernon T.