There is a lot of meaning in this little verse. When I think of loving one another with a tender heart and a humble mind, I think of many people: but Vito Buonavolonta, often comes to mind first. Vito has my late wife’s father. He lived most of his adult life in Ashtabula, Ohio, on Lake Erie. He worked on the docks there, dealing with the many large ships that came in to unload their cargo there. He was a very hard-working man, with very little formal education. His parents and those of his wife Stella were born in Italy but came to the United States to find a better life. His character was formed by his upbringing. However, in my mind, the love he showed on a daily basis was formed out of his strong faith and his love for his God.
To some he might have come off as a tough person on the outside. However, for me after some initial challenges between us, he was a wonderful example of someone who loved with a tender heart and humble mind. His very life embodied this verse: and how he lived and what he showed me continues to impact my life.
May your spiritual practices allow you to be open to living a life which embraces these traits. May the love of God grow in your heart and soul, and may that love be shared with those you meet today and always. Blessings on your spiritual travels! Peace! Vernon T.
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