Like so many of us, my heart is breaking for the Ukrainian people and those folks impacted in the Middle East over what is happening in their countries. In my mind and that of many others; they have done nothing to warrant these attacks. It pains me to see how much suffering these attacks have caused. In my prayers and reflection time, I have begun to refer to these actions as being purely evil acts. I understand that as a fallible human being with as many faults as the next person, I should not judge another human, thus, I am going out on a limb here, by referring to someone’s actions as evil.
However, these actions have caused so much needless pain and sorrow, and I ask why and what for. I cannot come up with any logical answer, except to say that these deeds were caused by the evil acts of other humans. Of course, we all must be careful in our rush to judge. For many times over the history of our nation evil has fallen upon people of different colors, races, ethnic backgrounds, economic status, and so forth. This country was built on the backs of many, whose lives were beaten down by evil forces. Thus, we all must realize that evil has been around since time began and will be around until the end of time. But when it appears, it should be acknowledged and confronted.
We all struggle with evil within ourselves, our families, communities, states, and nation. May we all acknowledge and confront sin and evil as it occurs around us daily; and pray about it and attempt, as guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to overcome evil with good. Each of us can do our part each day in whatever place and situation God has planted us.
May all of us continue to pray for the situation in the Ukraine and the Middle East. But also pray that the good actions of all peoples and nations can help overcome the evil that is causing so much pain there and other places. The fallout from this situation is spreading throughout the world and even to the United States. None of us are immune from the actions caused by this evil; we are all touched by it, in one way or the other. My prayer is that none of us will be overcome with evil, but that we all, whenever possible, will try to overcome evil with good! Peace, Vernon T.
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