My late wife, Judy, passed away after a lengthy struggle with brain tumors. After her second surgery she couldn’t talk, walk, or move her left side. After several months of rehab, she regained some functions, only to slowly lose them again prior to her death. During that period I began reflecting more and more about how the human body is created, grows, and operates. I came to believe that many things couldn’t be explained, and were miracles of life.
Seeing the miracles of life and creation carried over into other areas of life such as, the changes of the seasons with all of its different colors and varieties, a beautiful sunrise or sunset; and the birth and growth of a child. Having been fortunate enough in my new blended family to again be around babies has only reinforced this sense of awe about all of God’s creation.
There are so many miracles in life that can’t be described in human terms, but only experienced and enjoyed. I pray that you are open to seeing the daily miracles of life that God has created for us to take delight in. Vernon T.