Over the years I have been learned how to jog on certain kinds of snow, however, ice and hard-packed snow cause me to stay inside or to jog very carefully. One thing that I have found when the snow has been around for a while is that on certain roads that I use, the edges are not as packed down as the middle part of the road, and thus isn’t as slippery. Therefore I generally have better traction on the part that is less traveled.
You might try this concept when you are beginning or enhancing your spiritual practices. Just because some learned spiritual writers or your friends suggest a certain method as a way to get involved in these practices doesn’t mean that they are right for you. Please be encouraged to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and come up with some routines that work for you. It just may be a method or manner that others may not have thought of before, or in essence a road less traveled.
You may come up with something that offers more traction for you, just as jogging on the edges of the snow-filled roads provides a better grip for me. Be open and creative, and not afraid to step out in faith, if that is where you feel you are being lead. The main thing is to start your rituals or continue them being open to change as you are being guided!
Lord of all creation, help me to strive for your kingdom on a daily basis, and may that striving allow me to try new and challenging ways to take part in prayer and the other spiritual practices! Amen. Vernon T.
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