This prayer is commonly referred to as the “Serenity Prayer”, and was first written by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr between 1932-1933. This prayer has been adopted by a number of different groups, and marketed in many distinctive ways. It has been sold on coins, posters, and pictures. It has helped countless people over the years.
These words have so much meaning for all of us, at most anytime; but especially during this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Racial Injustice Pandemic with the recent protests from many years of injustices done to persons of color. Right now, there are many of us who are feeling confused, and are struggling with a lot of pain and sorrow. There are so many things that we can’t control related to both of these situations.
However, this time may be calling every human to have the courage to change the things that can be altered. The things that we can control are: how we live daily in both of these crises, how we try and protect ourselves and those around us from getting the virus, and how we treat our neighbors on a daily basis---even those who don’t look like us.
For people of faith, we can also pray for the courage and wisdom to become the person that God wants us to be---to be more like Jesus; striving to love all of God’s people, no matter who they are. It is up to us to ask God’s Spirit for the wisdom and courage to change the things we can. Basically, are we willing to allow the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and souls---even when doing so may cause us to face our own demons, and be confronted with the possibility of a negative reaction from those not ready and/or willing to change?
I don’t know how these Pandemics, and this period of protest and unrest in our nation will end, or what life will look like after we get through this. But my faith is in God’s infinite love, that no matter what the future holds, God’s love will be with us regardless of what comes down the road. For the next few days, try saying this prayer as the Spirit moves you: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” May you have the courage and wisdom to change what you are being led to change. God bless as you travel through these uncertain times; and continue to be safe, well, and as sane as you can be. Peace! Vernon T.
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