Over the past four to six months life in the United States as we knew it has drastically changed for all of us. Things that we once took for granted can’t be counted on any longer. People are dying, getting ill, through no fault of their own; from something that is a mystery and largely unknown to many. We all are overwhelmed by how fast this Virus has come upon us, and how little we truly have control of.
Additionally, people of Color, who have suffered from racial injustices for generations, have had to endure recent challenges which have created very deep divisions in our country. Many people from all walks of life, have taken to the streets and in other manners, to try and change this long- standing issue in our society. I don’t know how these two Pandemics will end up, but I do that God’s love will be with us through this, and that God’s Spirit will be within and around us.
In this short passage “spirit” is used three times. There are many definitions of this word, and can be looked at from many different angles. If one is on a spiritual pilgrimage, it could mean that invisible influence that can give guidance and comfort for us. In the footnote of my Harper Collins Study Bible it shows that the holy spirit in verse 11 means “God’s sustaining, powerful presence.” No matter how it is defined, the writer of this Psalm wants to have a new and right and willing spirit, and wants the Lord God and the Holy Spirit to be nearby.
Another way of looking at this term is in our dealings with others who have kindred spirits. Often, we can quickly bond and connect with other people, if our inner spirits are similar: who otherwise may be totally different from us as to faith traditions or family backgrounds. Sometimes we can meet someone for the first time, and immediately there is a tie or relationship that gives one the feeling: I have known this person for a long time and feel very comfortable being around them. God’s spirit being in us, and being renewed on a daily basis, has the power to cross barriers, that in other interactions may take years to develop. What we are currently going through as a nation may cause us all to look at each other, in a totally new and more caring light. For in this situation, our collective future is tied to how we treat and respect each other, and how our mutual loving spirits interact with each other.
As we walk into a very uncertain future from the impact of this COVID 19 Pandemic, and Racial Injustice Pandemic, may we all hold on to the truth that God’s Spirit will be walking with us no matter what may come. Additionally, this same loving Spirit, can also bring us closer to each other; if we are open to it. Peace! Vernon T.
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