This passage from Malachi reminds us that part of this spiritual pilgrimage does include us being purified by fire and soap, which could also involve us letting go of the impurities of our inner self.
My mother and father were divorced, and my mother raised my brothers and me mostly on her own. I am not sure how she did it now that I am a parent and grandparent. However, we made it through and all became functioning adults. Hearing the words, a refiner’s fire makes me think of the times that my mother tried to purify us, so that we could be better people.
My mother did believe in the old way of thinking that at some point, when one of us was out of line, a spanking was required. I know that doing this is looked down upon in our society today, but my mother felt she needed to do that at certain times to keep us four boys out of trouble and to learn how live in our society. Of course we didn’t know that at the time.
On your spiritual journey may you be receptive to the Lord God working through the Holy Spirit to purify you to become the person that God wants you to be. This will probably require change and even some pain for you, but God knows what is needed to purify and to refine you!
Prayer, Lord of Hosts, please help me to be open to your refiner’s fire and fullers’ soap purifying me, so that I can become a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ! Amen. Vernon T.
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