Most of us are familiar with the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was concerned about getting all of her tasks done, while Mary only wanted to sit at Jesus’ feet. Looking back at this scripture with our 21st century lens, it is easy to pick on Martha, and what she was doing while in the presence of Jesus.
However, while we may not have Jesus right in front of us, we may have many other things that cause us to be distracted from becoming the person God wants us to be. Whenever we put our total focus on something other than the good Lord, and on God’s kingdom; that becomes our god. When we take part in the spiritual pilgrimage of becoming a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ, we are called to choose the better part, and to strive daily for God’s kingdom. Keep in the mind the words of Martin Luther, “Whatever your heart clings to and confines in, that is really your God.” Peace, Vernon T.
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