In Exodus 16 and 17 we have the Israelites getting upset and then they start complaining to Moses about not having any food and water. Even though God brought them from Egypt and had Moses leading them to the promised land they were unhappy. Moses at one point mentions that they were ready to stone him. How would you like to have been Moses, for no matter how much had been done for the people, it never seemed to be enough? Does this remind you of people you know today, or how our so-called modern society functions, basically what have you done for me lately?
In this journey, called our Spiritual Pilgrimage, we too may have times when we want to complain and whine to anyone who will hear us. That is why having spiritual practices give us the space and time to let it all hang out with God. These practices wouldn’t remove us from all of the challenges we face, but as this verse shows God will be there with us. Vernon T.
Prayer: Forgiving Lord, please help me to be able to see you in front of me, in all of my life’s situations!
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