This passage definitely shows that when we call out to the Lord for help, God will hear us and guide us. However, from wisdom and writings handed down by our desert mothers and fathers this guidance and help, may not come in the time frame or manner that we want or would hope for. However, that doesn’t mean that God isn’t there nor forgotten us.
As humans who are always in a hurry to get things done, in our action-packed 24 hour a day society that we live in, waiting for anything; just doesn’t cut it. When we can instantly hear about what is happening around the world and when we can find out detailed information about just any topic in seconds; why oh why would we ever want to wait on some kind of answer from our prayers?
Walking this spiritual pilgrimage doesn’t guarantee that we will get everything that we ask for or want; when we want it. But the journey can increase our faith to allow us to keep moving forward, even when things are a little cloudy at the moment. “The Lord guiding us continually,” ---- may be done so quietly that we may have a hard time understanding it or realizing it, but that doesn’t be meant that it isn’t there. Patience and persistence are important aspects of this spiritual journey. Peace! Vernon T.
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