The ministry that I feel called to is assisting congregations, and church bodies with their spiritual pilgrimages. From my standpoint this comes about with prayer, Bible study, and reflection. This is done to allow us to become the person that God wants us to be; a lifelong learning disciple of Jesus Christ. He often went off to pray by himself, and he expects us to do the same.
Additionally, many desert mothers and fathers have shown that this routine takes discipline, and a willing and open heart and spirit. This is something that is done is daily, and is ongoing on our earthy walk. In our very busy-24 hour a day-world, we have many different things to occupy our time and energy. Often, we don’t take the space and or have the motivation to take part in any spiritual practices. But if we are serious about this pilgrimage, we have to make time to follow the model that Jesus left for us.
Somehow, someway, may you find the discipline to embark on or enhance your spiritual practices. Blessings on your journey! Vernon T.
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