These two verses come at the end of a passage written by the Apostle Paul where he talks about glorifying God in one’s body and spirit. He wants his readers to know that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Additionally that their body is a gift from God, and not something that they own for they were bought with the price of Jesus’ sacrifice, and that is why God should be glorified in their bodies.
The implication is that because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit we should treat our bodies with respect and attempt not to do anything that would cause them any harm or to abuse them. That is something that is both easy and challenging to do.
We probably all know what should be done to take care of our bodies, eat right, exercise, get enough rest, stay away from food or anything that could bring harm to our bodies with overuse, or using too much of any additive stimulant that has adverse side effects, etc. However, because we are all imperfect humans we fight in maintaining a healthy balance in this regard.
If we can try to visualize that the Holy Spirit is in our bodies, and that we are the temples for this Spirit, it may help us treat our bodies better. This is an area that I have battled my entire life. Even though I can be disciplined in certain areas of the care for my body, like with exercise, certain foods have been my downfall countless times in my life. This is something that I have prayed about and also thought about how to handle in many different ways. Sometimes I am okay for a while, but it is still a real struggle with me.
No matter what your situation is in caring for your body, on your spiritual pilgrimage may you feel the Holy Spirit within you, and may that presence help to glorify God in your body!
Holy Spirit, help me to treat my body with respect and keep it from all harmful habits, so that it can be a good place for you to dwell, and one where God is glorified! Amen. Vernon T.
Copyright © 2016 Vernon T. Jones, All Rights Reserved