For many years I have tried to learn and memorize Bible verses. I started doing this to help with my low self-esteem after reading positive thinking books that encouraged practices such as this. I found this routine to be helpful for me, and it has been continued. The middle part of this passage is one that has helped me lot.
"In him we live and move and have our being," I think this says so much for us who are struggling with life’s challenges. The fact that in God we can live a renewed life daily, in God we can take steps knowing that God will walk with us, and in God our very being and existence can make it through whatever comes our way.
Think of using scripture as a way to reinforce your spiritual practices, and try memorizing scripture as a way of coping with life’s ups and downs. It will not keep you from having problems in life, but it may help you get through them. This verse would be a good one to start with, and you could even personalize it like this. "In God, I live, move, and have my being!" Peace, Vernon T.
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