When we pray with thanksgiving and let God know what is going on in our lives, we can have this peace that passes all understanding. During a time of my life when I was really struggling God’s peace came to me when my prayers gave me direction and insight.
My late wife, Judy, had two operations to remove brain tumors. The first one went fairly smoothly, and she had little of any side efforts from it. However, the second surgery was another matter for it was a much longer one with more challenges. Afterwards she couldn’t talk, walk, or move her right side. Needlessness to say it was a very trying time for my family, Judy, and me. She spent twelve weeks in two hospitals and a nursing home recovering from the operation, having radiation, and relearning many skills.
During her time at the nursing home she seemed to be getting a little better, however, every evening I hated to leave her there. It was very difficult for me because I felt so sorry that I couldn’t do any more for her. I always prayed for her doing the day and for guidance about this situation and was very thankful for any process that she made. I was led to get a devotional book, and started reading it before leaving her at night. I read the scripture listed for the day, then the reflection part of the book, and the prayer at the end of the devotional.
That small act gave me some peace of mind and spirit so that I felt somewhat better leaving her at night. The peace I received didn’t change the situation that we were in, but it did allow me the ability to cope a little better with what was going on. After she came home, we continued to follow the same practice before going to bed. After Judy passed away I continued that routine alone. During your prayer time please let God know what is going on with you, and may you experience the peace of God that passes all understanding!
Prayer, God of all peace, please guard my heart and mind as my prayers with thanksgiving go up to you! Amen. Vernon T.
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