This passage is taken from the chapter in I Corinthians that is often quoted about the importance of love and of its every lasting quality. There are many wonderful messages in this chapter and one of them is embedded in verse 11. That when we are young in age or maturity we generally act and think in one way and after we grow in age or maturity we act and think in another. The same can be said about our prayer life and the steps that we take along on our spiritual pilgrimage.
Many spiritual writers have said that having a life of prayer will change us, and cause to see things in a different way as we continue with our spiritual practices. For me, I know, that is the case. My prayer life has often changed over the years as I have added and dropped certain aspects of my prayer practice.
One of the biggest changes is how I feel free to pray for my family, something that I concerned about, and for others during the day; this is beside the specific prayer times that I am involved with. I often pray during times such as when I am going for a walk, when jogging, riding in a car, or waiting for an appointment. Somewhere along the line I was guided to carry a small piece of paper in my pocket with the names of my family members and close friends and a few issues that are a concern to me. While waiting in line or for an appointment, I pull out the paper and pray for those that are on it.
How we did things while young in our faith, will not be the same as how we do things when we move along on our walk. As this passage states, when we were a child we thought like a child, but when we became an adult, the childish ways were put aside. Please be encouraged to find creative ways to have prayer be an ever-changing aspect of your spiritual pilgrimage. Know that as you mature in your journey that how you pray and live will change, evolve, and grow!
Prayer, Lord of all creation, help me to be open to your Spirit changing and moving me to new places on this pilgrimage! Amen. Vernon T.
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