God can speak to us in many varied ways. How the Lord speaks to you is probably different from how God communicates with others. It can also be noted that overtime how we are spoken to could also change. The messages can come during our prayer time, while worshiping with others, through our friends or family members, through events happening in the world around us, or on a walk; you name it, the Holy Spirit can deliver us messages and insights in so many fashions. The key part for us is to be faithful, and to turn our hearts toward God.
An example where God’s guidance came to me through other people was when we put my late wife, Judy, under Hospice care. She already had two surgeries to remove brain tumors and had radiation when the same dreaded tumor like symptoms returned. This time our options were limited, and chemotherapy would only slow the tumor’s growth and could cause side effects. We talked to doctors about what to do, and prayed about it.
My son, Kevin, said that you hate to see a loved one suffer, and thus we made the choice to not try anything else to prolong her life but rather would put her under Hospice care for her remaining days. If it was up to us, we may have tried to continue to do things to have her around with us longer, but in hindsight we did what was best for her. I firmly believe that God spoke through other people to guide our family and me during that time to make this very difficult decision.
As you take part in this spiritual pilgrimage, may you be faithful and turn your hearts to the Lord and look for the many ways that God may be speaking to you about all areas of your life!
Prayer, Holy Spirit, please help me to be open to the voice of God coming through you to me, and may I be open to where this voice is leading me! Amen. Vernon T.
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