This month I am preaching and leading worship for Leer Lutheran Church in Posen, MI. The past two Sundays I have preached from Isaiah about this Advent time of waiting and watching for the birth of the Christ child who is with us and who is still to come. Some of the imagery expressed in this passage shows how to see God in our lives.
Verse three talks about the hands and knees being made stronger. We use our hands and knees to pray and to seek God’s will in our lives. When these parts of our bodies are faithfully used in prayer, we are in a better position to see God’s presence in our lives. Then God can strengthen our fearful hearts, and tell us to be strong. Isaiah wants the Israelites and us today to know that “Here is your God.” God is walking with us, even when we can’t see or feel God’s presence, God is here. May you sense God’s present on your Advent journey! Vernon T.