God wants us to keep on praying as we walk on this spiritual pilgrimage because it draws us closer to God. Especially in these Pandemic times, we should continue a life of prayer. Sometimes God does answer our prayer in one form or the other. However, I can’t begin to count the number of times that I have fervently prayed for some outcome, and it didn’t turn out the way I wanted. You can probably say the same thing.
That doesn’t mean, however, that God doesn’t love us or isn’t concerned about our daily needs. God is love and can’t help but love us, but God isn’t required to answer every request we make. However, as Jesus’ parable from Luke 18 expresses, we should continue to pray and not to lose heart. During your life’s journey and in these very trying times, may your prayer efforts continue even when any response appears to be far off! Peace! Vernon T.
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