For some of us doing things with another person is often easier then doing it alone. Organizations like exercise groups, book clubs, sewing circles, travel tours, and various communities, have been around for a long time. These arrangements allow those who want to, the opportunity to join with others to do a certain task, or to share a common experience. This isn’t for everyone, but a good percentage of people find it easier to have others along for the ride.
In this passage we have Peter and John going up to the temple to pray at the three o’clock in the afternoon. That was a regular time of prayer. They went up together, and they knew the importance of maintaining their prayer practice or routine. Some of you may find it difficult to begin and continue a daily prayer habit. Think of joining with another person or a group to add support to your desire to pray daily. Also look for an open church or quiet place where your prayer time can be done, if you aren’t at home.
Try different methods and places until you find something that is comfortable for you and your personality. The main thing is to start and to do your best to continue. If you have already started and have a routine, be open to where the Holy Spirit may be leading you next on your spiritual pilgrimage. We can pray at anything of the day or night, but many spiritual writers note the importance of having a specific quiet time where the only focus is on our relationship with our loving God! Vernon T.
Holy Spirit, help me to look for ways that I can begin a prayer life, and once started may I be open to where you may be asking me to go next! Amen.
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