For many years I read a number of positive-thinking books, to help me cope with my low-self esteem. One thing I learned from them was to try and not let things in the evening, effect my sleeping patterns. I have always had challenges turning my mind off at night, and if some things happened later in the day I tend to rehash them. I know some people that can fall soundly asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow; I have never been able to do that.
Because of this, I don’t like watching the late news or to hear things that I don’t have enough time to process before going to bed. I do keep up with what is going on in the world; however, the information generally is taken in when I have enough time to absorb it. Thus I started saying positive type mantras when I first get in bed to help me go to sleep.
Over the years I have replaced the positive mantras with more spiritual-related ones, additionally I have repeated scripture during this time. This passage from Isaiah is one that I have used to help me relax and hopefully fall asleep. I pray that you don’t have any sleeping issues, but if you do, I would encourage you to use spiritual prayers, or scriptures like this one to try to help in this. Remember, memorizing Bible verses can be an important aspect of your spiritual pilgrimage! Vernon T.
Prayer: Lord God, please help me today to believe that you can indeed help me, and I don’t have to be worried, for your presence is always near me!