The book of Romans is a powerful letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome. This chapter has a number of passages that are frequently quoted for many different reasons. These passages have as their basis the life lived in the Spirit. Paul wants his readers to set their mind on the things of the Spirit which provides life and peace, versus having their mind be on things of the flesh which lead to death.
For those on this spiritual pilgrimage it is so important to keep our minds and hearts on the things of the Spirit, on the love of God for the world, on the life that Jesus lived for us, and on the things that allow each of us to become the persons that God wants us to be. Read all of Romans 8 and reflect on the many words of wisdom that are there. May these words and lessons support and enrich your spiritual practices! Vernon T.
Prayer: Lord of the Spirit, give me the courage and strength to set my mind of the things of your Spirit, and allow that Spirit to comfort and guide me and give me your peace!
Copyright © 2016 Vernon T. Jones, All Rights