One of the more challenging lessons in my life that I have had to learn over and over is to not think too much about what is coming down the road. On this spiritual pilgrimage, most often we are only given enough light for the current step, and the steps that come after the existing moment may still be out there in the clouds and fog somewhere. However, our trust is in the Lord God who will be with us in those steps when they are taken.
Many spiritual writers have noted that for our spiritual pilgrimage, it is taking it one day/step at a time scenario. This verse from the Psalms encourages us to rejoice in today, to enjoy what God has made for us today. It reminds us to bask today in all of the beauty and wonder that is around us in God’s creation and in other humans. This of course can be very challenging in our very fast-paced society, which seems to always be looking forward to what is coming next.
However, I would strongly encourage you to rejoice in this day, and savor the moment that you have right now. It is okay to plan when you need to, but please don’t forget, that the present moment is all that is guaranteed! Vernon T.
Prayer: Lord of all creation, please help me to rejoice in this moment, in this day that you have made, and help me to realize that I can’t enjoy the next moment until I get there!