After I finished high school, I didn’t have a lot of self-worth, and didn’t have a lot of direction at that point in my life. I was raised by a single Mom, who loved us and kept us out of trouble, however, I didn’t know for sure what I should at that point in my life. Two months out of high school, I got a job in a local steel mill in my home town of Youngstown. After being there a while, I started reading positive thinking books, to help me and to encourage me. One of these books suggested using Bible verses, to help with one’s self-worth. Thus, I began a life-long habit of memorizing Bible verses.
This is one of my favorite Bible verses, which has helped me over the years. I have memorized Bible verses to help me cope with the challenges of life, to encourage me and to help me grow in my spiritual walk. I started using the scriptures in various ways. While traveling in my marketing job, (before going to the seminary) I would write a verse on an old business card and then place it on my car dash. This practice helped me try to keep a positive mind set as I went from one agency visit to another.
Later on, I would write Bible verses on a white board in my office for my support, but it also helped others who saw it. Thus, memorizing and reciting Bible verses are very much who I am and helps me keep my focus on God's kingdom and this spiritual pilgrimage. Think of doing something similar to assist you on your journey. Peace! Vernon T.
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