Shortly after my late wife, Judy, and I were marriage she did a cross stitch with the first half of this verse on it. Even after many relocations it continued to find a place on our walls. Attached is a picture of this cross stitch done by her.
When Judy and I were first married, we had many of the same challenges that other young couples had, with a few more thrown in; she was from a very strong Italian-Catholic family background, and I was from an African-American Baptist background, we were both still dealing with our college course work, and I was working full time in a steel mill.
We felt that we had to include the Lord in our marriage as much as possible in order to make it. Having this verse on our walls helped keep God always before us, and helped us look that way for help, guidance and support. We were fortunate to have been married for twenty-eight years when she passed away from cancer. Our marriage had its ups and downs, but we knew that the good Lord loved us and was walking with us every day. May Bible passages like this one or other spiritual-filled words/sayings help you to handle whatever challenges that life may throw your way! Peace, Vernon T.
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