The lesson in this passage is also outlined in other passages in the Bible. They basically state that all of us are called to fulfill different roles in God’s ministry and mission in this time and place, according to the grace given to us. Just as the human body has different parts that function and carry out their duties the body of Christ is the same way. We are all called and given different gifts to use in our various roles.
The written use of the English language is not one of my strongest suits. I have been challenged in this, and the first class I took in college was Communications 105, a basic English course, which I failed and had to retake. This an area which I continue to struggle with and always need help in.
However, the good Lord has gifted me with many people who have helped me with my short comings. My late wife, Judy, was really good in this area and helped me with my college papers and written correspondence afterward college. Shirley is also very good in this and has been a big help with my Seminary papers, sermons, and other publications. Thus, these two have used their talents to help me in life and to fulfill my role as called by God. In the same manner I have helped both of them, and continue to help Shirley, with skills that they didn’t have so that their ministries could be enhanced, and in life with gifts that the other didn’t have.
Please be open to where you are being called and listen for the discerning voice of the Holy Spirit, which daily offers guidance as to what is needed next in the body of Christ. God allows our skills and gifts to be used in areas that are needed and not being met by others in the community! Peace, Vernon T.
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